APA Style
Jhingran, V. G., Pullin, R.S.V. (1985).
A hatchery manual for the common chinese and indian major carps (Cetakan 1).
Manilla, Filipina:
Asian Development Bank.
Chicago Style
Jhingran, V. G., Pullin, R.S.V.
A hatchery manual for the common chinese and indian major carps.
Cetakan 1
Manilla, Filipina:
Asian Development Bank,
Buku Text.
MLA Style
Jhingran, V. G., Pullin, R.S.V.
A hatchery manual for the common chinese and indian major carps.
Cetakan 1
Manilla, Filipina:
Asian Development Bank,
Buku Text.
Turabian Style
Jhingran, V. G., Pullin, R.S.V.
A hatchery manual for the common chinese and indian major carps.
Cetakan 1
Manilla, Filipina:
Asian Development Bank,
Buku Text.